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QNAP Club not showing Installed Apps




I added the QNAP Club repository to my TS-453A NAS over a year ago, and have been using a number of Apps from the Repo. Recently the QNAP Club Tab in the AppCenter was showing now Apps. When i investigated, i noticed that the URL for the  REPO had changed. When i changed the URL, The Apps in the REPO became available, however, it doesnt recognise any QNAP Club Apps that i already have installed on the NAS, such as Radarr, Sonarr etc...

How do i get QNAP Club Repo to identify Apps that i already have installed? I though of just 'installing' the app again, in case that fixed it, however, it identified that the app was already installed, and asked me to uninstall first, which i'm not going to do!!

PLease help?


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